23 November 2010

Tasmania, a beautiful secret…

My fiancee and I have always been city people. Both of us were born in Melbourne and love our wonderful home town, however as we speed through the decade that is our twenties, we found that we wanted a change of pace and lifestyle...

So here we are in beautiful Tasmania, living in a spacious country home 30 minutes out of the city on a big block of land with no neighbours in sight. A lot of our friends and family questioned the move when we first announced we were leaving Melbourne but those who had actually been here completely understood our motives.

You see, the state of Tasmania gets a bad wrap from the rest of the country. Jokes of two headed people, incest and just general mocking of our new home surrounds any mention of this beautiful place. But those of us that have been here and seen how breathtaking the beaches, mountains, towns and harbours are, stand in wonder that more people aren't aware of Tasmania's seemingly secret beauty.

I'm taking it upon myself to make sure that more people visit this gorgeous state and experience everything it has to offer. Maybe one day people will be adding Tasmania to their itineraries when they visit the Land Down Under instead of Sydney, Melbourne or the Gold Coast...

1 comment:

  1. i love everything you have written here. my partner & i feel exactly the same about tassie. lots of our friends and family thought we were nuts when we said we were moving south... a quick visit down here fixed that though. yay for tas!
